Planning applications in the UK require a lot of detail and a high level of accuracy. An application that is refused can not only be a hindrance to your plans, but also the cause of a lot of repetitious work. Any service that can take the hassle out of the application process by providing a simple way to generate detailed and accurate maps online will surely be welcomed by anyone thinking of a building an extension, making a modification to their property, or developing a plot of land for new build homes. Editable planning application maps can be the right solution to get your application done swiftly and smoothly.
It is hardly surprising then that editable planning application maps are becoming more and more popular among developers and homeowners. These maps can be created online by anyone submitting a planning application to a UK local authority. They are easy to design and are quickly delivered, providing an easy way to get they accurate and detailed maps needed for location plans and site plans, both of which are essential requirements of any UK planning application.
Given that there are so many elements to a planning application, it is a great boon that some providers of editable planning application maps, like Planning Required are proving that they understand exactly what local authorities will be looking for when they consider the merits of an application. Consent for any development is much more likely if the information provided is comprehensive and easy to interpret.
For instance, a provider of mapping services should know that maps scaled to 1:200 or 1:500 will be ideal for site plans, while larger scales of 1:1250 or 1:2500 are needed for the location plans. Also, it is a major advantage if editable planning application maps can incorporate up-to-date and accurate aerial photography as part of a simple, cost-effective map request process. While this sounds like a lot of detail, it can be created in just a few short steps online and delivered the same day.
Once the location of the site has been accurately mapped, it is a very simple process to annotate the map with the many quick and easy tools that service providers have developed to enable their editable planning application maps. While the service is quick and easy online, that does not mean it is a one-size-fits-all process. Every map will be designed to fit the unique requirements of each development and each planning application.
Having all of the mapping information required for a successful application delivered so quickly in a pdf file takes a lot of the strain out of the application process, leaving developers and homeowners more time to ensure that all the other stages of the application process have been taken care of. It is no surprise, therefore, that the demand for editable planning application maps is growing very rapidly. For regular users of planning application maps, an account with a service provider is the ideal way to streamline the process even further.
A planning application no longer has to be a daunting and hassling process thanks to the mapping services now available online.