Arthritis can be cured with natural things and that too without been harsh on you. Usually drugs that are meant for arthritis are harsh on the system of the body and thus may cause side effects that can degrade your strength or cause other problems. Drugs can cure and work well for patients but still some patients who are sensitive to some drugs may not find them worthy and to avoid risk opt for ayurvedic treatment that is all natural and without side effects. There are news alternatives that are natural and helpful in treatment of arthritis and joint pains.
The unbearable nature of arthritis generally initiates more serious conditions in patients like obesity that leads to diabetes, depression and heart diseases. This disease devastates the patients and as a result makes him or her more prone to diseases. But to be very true the patients need not suffer that much because there are many effective cures for arthritis. Ayurveda helps in treating arthritis in a natural manner. The practitioners believe that arthritis can be cured by balancing diet with combination of diets, yoga or exercises along with herbal medication. If a person makes some healthy changes in their diet then they can positively see the improvement in their health condition. This concept works absolutely well with diseases like arthritis. People having arthritis must try to consume food that contains antioxidants and phytochemical because this particular things helps in relaxing and curing your disease and their side effects. The patients must avoid all those food that can worsen the condition in which you are presently in.
Arthritis can be treated naturally by consuming right type of food that are high in magnesium, calcium and trace minerals. Such food makes sure that your bones are healthy, the joint tissue are properly connected and last but not the least the food must also help in improving the bone matrix. Person suffering from arthritis must eat and consume low fat milk, yoghurt, salmon, almonds, walnuts, cottage cheese, sardines, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, and broccoli and so on. Milk is low in magnesium content and it is not a great source of calcium also. Magnesium is required in your body to help calcium reach your bones and joints. Thus if you are taking a high milk diet that too without any magnesium intake then it is of a very little use to you. With high milk dirt you must also consume magnesium rich food such as leafy vegetable, whole grain, nuts, bananas and so on.
To metabolize calcium body requires vitamin D. Vitamin D is available to you from the sunlight. This does not mean you have to sit for hours in sun and tan yourself. Only 10 minutes of sunlight in a day is enough to get enough Vitamin D. Other than sunlight you get Vitamin D from fatty fish and dairy products.
When you are taking ayurvedic or herbal medicines you must avoid red meat, lamb and beef. Instead of them you must opt for white meat i.e chicken and fish. Other than these you must avoid all high fatty things like potatoes, sweets, cheese and eggplants. Tomatoes, tobacco, carbonated drinks, honey and almonds must also be avoided. Avoiding all such things can help you in decreasing the effects of arthritis and boost your strength at the same time.